Just sharing some more projects from the Hive! Since we moved in, we've had stacks and stacks of bricks around our garage just sitting in various "semi-hidden" places. I am pretty sure they were leftovers from when the garage was expanded by the previous owners.
They have been driving the OCD, neat freak in me insane; BUT I was determined to reuse them for something and get them out of my way!! Here’s what we did:
We used most of the bricks for a new patio (this was not DIY and few more pallets of bricks were needed). This was completed about a week ago in addition to the new fence to corral the kiddos!
This past weekend, the Hubs and I used the remaining scraps and hodgepodge pieces to make a landing for our trash and recycling cans! I think we did a fair job!!!
The Hubs just opened a new Zaxby’s. It is a preexisting location so he and his partner have been doing some renovations. I came home one day to find a pile of metal that was once restaurant sinks sitting in my yard (Yay… Sigh…). I should be happy my husband knows that the landfill is NOT an option and I knew I could do something with this heap other than sell it for scrap metal. We sorted through the pile and the most salvage-able pieces were assembled into what is now a new potting bench in my garage! It works perfectly!!
Now I can use my new potting bench for plants around my new patio!! Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!! Buzz!!
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