Who? What? Yes, you heard me
right; I’m going strawless!! Did you know that each day we use 500
million straws-enough disposable straws to fill over 46,400 large
school buses per year? That’s the startling fact I just discovered over at
BeStrawFree.org. The campaign, organized by a nine-year-old named Milo, seeks
the support of the straw industry, restaurants and other businesses toward
reducing the use and waste of disposable plastic straws. www.bestrawfree.org
How can you go strawless?
-Say “no thanks” to disposable
straws at restaurants
-Use reusable straws at home
and work
-Rinse and reuse straws if
you must use one
You can visit the site and pledge
to go straw free for one month. I admit this may take a little getting use
to! I also noticed this week at Starbucks they are selling sets of
three reusable straws! Guess it’s catching on!
Here are a few garden update
First Harvest!
Can't wait for a BLT!
Lots of blossoms!
Coming along!
Stay tuned next week as I
head to California for a week long trip down the Pacific Coastal Highway.
Highlights along the trip include: winery tours, a stay at an eco-resort, sea
kayaking, beautiful beaches and more!!